Protection from Counterfeits

According to the Association of Cement Producers “Ukrcement” data, every fourth purchased bag of cement in Ukraine is counterfeit.

Most frequently, the low-quality product attracts by its lower price. However, such an economy is doubtful and even dangerous.

Cemark Counterfeit cement means:

Counterfeit cement means:

Cemark Inadequacy of the declared strength class

Inadequacy of the declared strength class

If you have purchased cement of strength class 500, it can turn out to be strength class 400 or even below.

Cemark Short weight

Short weight

In a 25 kg or 50 kg bag, you could actually get 1–5 kg less cement.

Cemark Presence of foreign materials

Presence of foreign materials

Unscrupulous baggers can add ash, sand, mineral powder and other foreign materials to cement.

The use of counterfeit cement leads to low strength, crack formation and short life of buildings and structures. All this can lead to collapsed structures and injured people.

Counterfeit cement enters the market through unscrupulous baggers who buy plant-made cement in bulk and pack it into bags without complying with the quality and labelling standards.

How to recognise a counterfeit:

  • there is no registered address of the manufacturer and packing station on the bag;
  • there is a trademark on the bag, but there is no registered name of the packing station, manufacturing plant or address;
  • the labelling is similar to the plant-made, but there are some differences.



Recommendations for application


Recommendations regarding temperature conditions

Strength class of cement

QR code leading to the product page on the website

Cement labelling according to the DSTU

Bag weight

Cement name

Cement name


Cement labelling according to EN, except for “CEMARK MITSNYI” CEMENT LLC


Cement name

Bar code


Bag weight

Concrete mix recipes and recommendations regarding curing of concrete

Strength class of cement

Cement labelling according to EN, except for “CEMARK MITSNYI” CEMENT LLC

Safety requirements

Cement storage rules

Manufacturer’s details: company name, registered address, telephone, e-mail, website

Bag manufacturer’s logo

Certification body’s mark

Warning about liability for illegal use of the TM

Original cement by CEMARK is packaged into bags made from special embossed paper.

Cemark Original cement by CEMARK is packaged into bags made from special embossed paper.

The products made by the cement plants in Mykolaiv, Kamyanets-Podilskyi and Odesa are only packaged into CEMARK-branded bags. If you notice cement labelled as “Podilskyi Cement”, “Mykolaivcement”, or products in bags with a design that only resembles the original one, this will definitely be a counterfeit.

How to protect yourself from buying counterfeit cement:

  • Ask for a certificate of conformity of cement quality. On our product pages, you can see what this document looks like.
  • Go to the “Ukrcement” website and check out whether the cement you are going to buy is on the list of suspicious products that are supplied to the market with violations of labelling requirements.
  • Never buy cement from spontaneous points of sale: trucks are standing near a road, and trailers that do not issue you with a receipt for the purchase.
  • Find out from the official distributor where you can buy the original CEMARK cement in your region.
CEMARK Official Distributors

Remember, if you buy cement without a registered address and the address of the packing station on the bag, you will not be able to claim in case of problems.

Join in the fight against dishonest entrepreneurs! Write to us about a discovered counterfeit, and you will receive a branded cup CEMARK as a gift.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) have to be filled.

Point of sale’s address

