Putting Safety First
If I see something unsafe I will stop and do something
Respecting Others
I will treat everyone in my workplace the way I want to be treated.
Protecting Company Assets and Data
I will take care of company property and will not steal or misuse anything.
Supporting the Community
I will be a good neighbour in my local community.
Respecting the Law
I will not brake any laws. I will hold myself to the highest standards of honesty and integrity in my work.
Avoiding Conflicts of Interest
I will avoid conflicts between my private interests and my job. If there is a potential conflict I will disclose it.
Respecting the Environment
I will think about the environment I would like to live in and play my part to protect it.
If you have noticed that the company employees violate the principles of business conduct described in the CRH Code, please let us know! Legal & Compliance will look into all described situations and forward the materials to the relevant manager for further investigation.
Contact Legal & Compliance.
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