Andriy Biliuk
CRH Ukraine’s Financial Controller
The reason for becoming an intern
It all became clear at the interview, from the very first moments: the conditions and tasks, the goals and future career that could await me. And also the image of a large successful international company.
The memories of the internship
Lectures and trainings that were part of the Program, exhausting but very interesting business trips, enthusiasm while working on your own project, the first experience of business meetings and presentations. There was so much of everything, but that gave the biggest drive.
The secrets of successful completion of the internship
Desire to learn, persistence, competence and openness of senior colleagues. It was cool that I could not only take responsibility for the results of my work, but was also responsible for the work of my team.
Advice to future interns
Don’t be shy and ask questions! It doesn’t matter if it’s your fellow intern or General Manager, everyone around you is also interested in your success and proper understanding of all the processes, because you are one team.
The best thing about the new job
I am very impressed by the dynamics of work, a sense of responsibility for the result. In addition, I get inspired and motivated by the opportunity to implement my own ideas and projects. In my current position, I more than satisfy my desire to learn and open new horizons of professional development.
Plans for the future
I’m planning a vacation. I’ve been long dreaming to try surfing.