Health and Safety


days without LTI’s


MUAH invested in H&S

2015–2022 data

328 422

hours of training on H&S

2015–2022 data

Health and Safety is the key value for our company. And as part of our long-term Health&Safety strategy, we are building a safe culture at all our plants.

The main success criterion is having zero accidents across all sites of the company.

That is why, to create safe working conditions and minimise the risk of injury to employees and contractors, we are investing in the automation of equipment in the workplace and modernising the infrastructure on our sites.

All employees are provided with personal and collective protective equipment. And according to the company’s requirements, it is forbidden to be in production areas without a mandatory set of PPE, particularly without a hard hat, goggles, high-visibility clothes and special safety shoes. This rule applies to all employees, contractors, drivers, and visitors without exception.

We have compiled the occupational health and safety rules in the booklet entitled “Life Saving Rules”. They are the same for all our locations in all countries where CRH operates and do not depend on local legislation.

All our plants and contractors' employees regularly participate in interactive training on H&S, on first aid and develop fire safety and emergency response skills.

The Health & Safety team monitors accidents at work worldwide and all High Potential Learning Events (HPLEs) at CRH plants that could lead to injury. The collected information is analysed and used to take proactive steps in our locations.

In addition, we regularly share best Health&Safety practices with all CRH companies worldwide and implement such best practices at the plants in Ukraine.

